How Your Meaning In Life Can Make You Money

I have an equation for you.

Don’t worry. I’m not about to go all super boffin on you, or start harping on about the perfection of Pi.

No. This equation is something much more relevant to us all.

It’s an equation that many of us get wrong throughout our lifetime: it’s a conundrum we trick ourselves into believing we’ve solved, when in reality we are way way way off the mark.

You see, a lot of people think that when they pursue money they will find meaning in life.

Money = Meaning

Can you see the problem there?

It should, in fact, be the opposite way round. Because it’s when one pursues and has meaning, that they will find money.

Meaning = Money


Did I just blow your mind?

It’s a real eureka moment, isn’t it? But before we get ahead of ourselves, let me expand on this equation a little.

Meaning is not found in the pursuit of money.

Meaning is only found in the realisation and living of our dreams and aspirations, of following our vocation.

For when one has meaning, one has wealth. That’s a given.

And to throw you another curve ball which will really blow your mind…

…the health of your wealth is actually determined by how clear you are about your meaning and purpose.

Ergo, the clearer you are about your meaning and purpose, the healthier your wealth.

Pretty cool stuff, right?

But it also works in the reverse: The more disorganised and unclear you are in yourself and about your calling, the worse shape your finances will be in.

So it’s important to realise that when you’re inspired to go out and bring your vision into the world, when you’re clear and focused on what you want to accomplish, the Universe has no choice but to respond to the intention and frequency you emit.

What will then happen, when you place this demand on yourself to follow your calling, is that the supply rises to meet that demand. When you take action and start actively seeking ways to realise your mission and meaning, the Universe will ensure that the funds you require are available to you—so you are able to fulfil this goal and leave a legacy larger than yourself.

It is an indisputable truth.

That is the essential nature of the Universal Law of Supply and Demand, and this is why it is so integral to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What is it that I’m here to do?
  2. What footprint am I destined to make on humanity?
  3. What kind of legacy will I leave?


After all, it’s no use chasing money for the sake of chasing money.

For example, if I gave our friend Average Joe a winning lotto ticket today, within a matter of months (if not weeks) he would squander the jackpot on short-term satisfaction.

Why? Because our pal Joe has no long-term vision for that money. He doesn’t appreciate this wealth, and so it will slip through his fingers before he even has a chance to grip it in his fist.

If you’ve ever attended an MJB Seminars event, you will most likely have heard me say the following statement:

“Money flows to where it is appreciated most, and flees from where it’s appreciated least.”

And this is the problem for most people right now. They might case after wealth, but when they finally catch it, they forget to appreciate what they have.

All of which is about as effective as building a sandcastle in the middle of a tsunami.

So why bother? Why chase money when you can live a life of meaning instead. After all, if you live a life of meaning, wealth will always follow.

It a no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?

So now that we’re on the same page, I want to share with you another thought…

“To live a life of meaning is to live in a state of stability”

This is another way of saying that living a life of meaning is to live in a state of equilibrium, of knowing and not pursuit. We’re not chasing anything, and we’re also not running from anything.

Lucky for us, wealth is built on emotional stability. It is this peace, gratitude and self-assuredness that provides the secure foundation on which to build and retain our wealth. When we’re emotionally stable, we’re not anxious or charged around money. We are secure, solid in our certainty.

Essentially: When you have meaning in life, money comes anyway.

And through taking action to establish your personal stability you will also stabilise your wealth, giving you the resources you need to realise, achieve and attain your dreams and aspirations.

Meaning. Money. Means.

It is a circle that feeds into itself. All these elements fit together.

That is the true equation.

Got it? Great.

Now you can run outside to shout EUREKA!